1. 整本圣经是神所默示的,在原文里是绝对无错误的。
2. 父神是宇宙的主和信徒的天父。
3. 耶稣,神子,是道成肉身,为救赎我们的罪而流血并死在十架上,死后第三天复活
升天,將再来世上赏赐教会並审判活人死人, 祂是人类的救世主。
4. 圣灵,保惠师,显明罪恶照亮及影响那些信靠耶稣的人,安慰,帮助,教导和指引
5. 圣父、圣子、圣灵是三位一体的全能神。
6. 神把祂的救恩赐给这世界,任何人只要相信耶稣基督,接受祂为个人救主,透过圣灵得
以重生,进入神的国度, 便能得救。
7. 教会是神的殿,是基督的身体,藉圣灵所賜的恩赐, 被建立及扩展,要向世界传扬神的
1. 整本圣经是神所默示的,在原文里是绝对无错误的。
2. 父神是宇宙的主和信徒的天父。
3. 耶稣,神子,是道成肉身,为救赎我们的罪而流血并死在十架上,死后第三天复活
升天,將再来世上赏赐教会並审判活人死人, 祂是人类的救世主。
4. 圣灵,保惠师,显明罪恶照亮及影响那些信靠耶稣的人,安慰,帮助,教导和指引
5. 圣父、圣子、圣灵是三位一体的全能神。
6. 神把祂的救恩赐给这世界,任何人只要相信耶稣基督,接受祂为个人救主,透过圣灵得
以重生,进入神的国度, 便能得救。
7. 教会是神的殿,是基督的身体,藉圣灵所賜的恩赐, 被建立及扩展,要向世界传扬神的
Our Faith
1. The whole Bible is given by inspiration of God and there is absolute infallibility in the original text.
2. God the Father is the Lord of the universe and the Heavenly Father of believers.
3. Jesus, God the Son, is the Word that was made flesh, who died and shed His blood on the cross for the remission of sins, rose again from the dead the third day, ascended to heaven, shall come again to reward the Church and judge the living and the dead, and is the Saviour of mankind.
4. God the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, convicts of sin, enlightens and influences human beings to believe and trust Jesus, comforting, helping, teaching and guiding the believers.
5. God the Holy Father, God the Holy Son, God the Holy Spirit are the Trinity Almighty God.
6. God freely gives His salvation to the world and whosoever believes in Jesus Christ, receives Him as his own personal Saviour and enters into the Kingdom of God through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit shall be saved.
7. The Church is the House of God, the Body of Christ, established and developed by means of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit and is responsible to preach the Gospel to the world.
1. The whole Bible is given by inspiration of God and there is absolute infallibility in the original text.
2. God the Father is the Lord of the universe and the Heavenly Father of believers.
3. Jesus, God the Son, is the Word that was made flesh, who died and shed His blood on the cross for the remission of sins, rose again from the dead the third day, ascended to heaven, shall come again to reward the Church and judge the living and the dead, and is the Saviour of mankind.
4. God the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, convicts of sin, enlightens and influences human beings to believe and trust Jesus, comforting, helping, teaching and guiding the believers.
5. God the Holy Father, God the Holy Son, God the Holy Spirit are the Trinity Almighty God.
6. God freely gives His salvation to the world and whosoever believes in Jesus Christ, receives Him as his own personal Saviour and enters into the Kingdom of God through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit shall be saved.
7. The Church is the House of God, the Body of Christ, established and developed by means of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit and is responsible to preach the Gospel to the world.